B2B Web Design | ArmstrongB2B®

Web Design

Award-Winning B2B Website Design Agency

World Class B2B Website Design

Today’s ‘always switched on’ generation demands that websites are not only beautifully designed, but also built around world-class user experience and brand-led thinking. ArmstrongB2B®’s digital expertise extends right through strategy, concept, wireframing and design, to building, testing, going live and ongoing maintenance. Complete with bespoke security and hosting services.

Equipping sales teams with the tools to make the whole process easier, ArmstrongB2B® can create computer-generated product visualisations for a wide range of industries. Whether it’s a piece of equipment or part of a pre-fab building section, our product demos help bring everything to life on any device. So, wherever your customers are, they can access a 24-hour self-service portal for updated product selectors, configurators and prices, while your sales and distribution teams can guide them to complete the deal.

We’ve also designed and helped to launch e-commerce sites for a variety of businesses to reach more customers. This fast-growing medium has evolved to make products quicker and easier to purchase through online suppliers, and it can be used either as part of the overall strategy or as a standalone channel. With a data-driven, results-focused approach, we work with a wide range of B2B eCommerce websites, across platforms like Magento, Shopify, WordPress and Drupal.

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